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A straightforward, day to day account of what we have done during the current year's cruise. What we found may help others. I hope that anyone interested in the area will cherry pick rather than trying to read from start to finish.

Our boat is a Hallberg Rassy 34, Anhinga. This year it is crewed by Frank and Jennifer Singleton, Home port is Darthaven, Kingswear opposite Dartmouth
For various reasons, this was a late start to our sailing season. The bright point is that we have our son, John, and his wife Penni on board. They hav recently sailed up the east coast of the USA to the Chesapeake area.

To St Peter Port, 7rh August, 74 miles.

It was a fast passage with a good wind until mid-Channel when we had to motor for a sew hours until it increased again. Unusually, we were close to several ships approaching and leaving the Csquets TSS.
We had a good meal at the slaughterhouse, I had forgotten the name - Abbatoir was the nearest I could get. We had had the No at re-decked. Unfortunately, in replacing the push-pit, a wire got trapped AMD the port hand navigation light did not work. John is extremely resourceful and constructed a jury rig.

To St Quai Portrieux. 10th August, 51 miles.

A good fast sail until about 4 hours out. It is many years, pre-2000, since we were last here. Neither the area near the harbour nor the town have changed. Market day was a delight.Unfortunately, John and Penni had tight time constraints so that we could not make use of the streamlined custom’s clearance. We had to take a taxi to St Brieuc to clear in.

To Lezaedeieux, 13th August, 20 miles.

We sailed to the Ferlas passage entrance but then had to motor to the marina.

Over the years, we have spent many happy days in this small, unpretentious town with its excellent boulangerie/patisserie and boucherie. There is a small but adequate supermarket. The staff are most helpful and the hafbourmaster greeted us like long lost friends.

To St Cast, 14rh August, 50 miles.

A light wind, motoring start but wind increased and we mage good time. The marina was full so we had to go on the outside pontoon. The town is delightful with many fine houses.

Returned to Dartmouth via St Peter Port, about135 miles