On this page
A straightforward, day to day account of what we have done during the current year's cruise. What we found may help others.
Why did we do this trip? First, we wanted to see the Gulf of Genoa which we had previously bypassed. Secondly, we wanted to visit Florence again and see more of Italy. Thirdly, we wanted to winter Anhinga out of the water and we had heard that Fertilia, just outside Alghero had good steel cradles and is very safe.
There are many places in the Western Mediterranean where we would not like to leave a boat ashore because of storms. We did not achieve our second objective partly because of taking rather longer in the early part of the trip. It also became a very hot year and sightseeing ashore would have been bad news In any case, we do like Sardinia and had a great time in the Maddalenas, a truly superb sailing area. Due to the Bonifacio Strait, there is often a good wind that verges on the exotic at times and plenty of good anchorages which, almost without exception, are scenically delightful. Not surprisingly, sailing schools abound.
Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
Apr 26 to May 2 |
Port Vell, Barcelona, fitting out. Fit new RCD electricity box. |
6 |
12. 75 |
76. 5 | ||
May 2 to 6 |
Port Olimpic, Barcelona for lift out. Cost for lift out and in Eur 123 total. Very noisy at night with night club noise midnight to 0500. Yard helpful and pleasant but rather small and crowded. Very dusty for painting. |
4 |
19. 4 |
77. 7 | ||
May 6 to 10 |
Port Vell for washing, cleaning boat (necessary after Port Olimpic), provisioning. Last chance to buy cheap gin for a while. Ditto, beer. |
4 |
12. 75 |
50 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
May 10 |
To Mataró with very light wind. About 4 ½ hours for 15 miles. Mataró very helpful, replied instantly to call on Ch 9. Little English but minimal Spanish helps An unexciting town but with everything that you need. Good supermarket quite close and an excellent market further away. At the marina - several toilets/showers, chandlers, ATM etc. |
15 |
1 |
26. 4 |
26. 4 | |
May 11 |
Mainly motoring to Palamós. Seemed as dreary a town as last time we were here. Showers not very good and out of action following morning. |
37 |
1 |
25 |
25 | |
May 12 to 13 |
Marginal forecast for Golfe du Lion - NW 4-6 becoming SW 3-5 then NW 4-6 with "menace de grand frais or coup de vent" later on Tuesday (13th). Option was to remain in Palamós but DWD and US GRIB forecasts indicated Mistral winds for next few days. |
141 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
May 13 to 16 |
New harbourmaster at Sanary sur Mer, speaks excellent English (2 years secondment to US navy). Showers still limited - 2 Eur for access to the (only one) family shower room. Nearby public loos, closed overnight. |
3 |
13 |
40 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
May 16 |
A slow sail, beating, (eventually had to use un coup de moteur) to an anchorage off Ile Porquerolles. Had an adverse current of about 1 to 1. 2 knot around Cap Sicie. The CQR would not set, tried the Fortress which also did not set - until the skipper realised that he had constructed it incorrectly. Red face day. |
33 |
1 | |||
May 17 |
A dull day with a little rain and little wind - NW rather than the promised SW - but very light. Just about managed to spinnaker for 8 ½ miles then motored the rest to le Lavandou. |
12 |
1 |
22. 5 |
22. 5 | |
May 18 |
A brisk sail from le Lavandou to Anse des Canébieres, just outside St Tropez. A (forecast) W 3 - 4 increasing locally 5 became a 4 - 5 increasing to 6 with a touch of 7. An exciting run with several gybes. The wind died as we rounded Cap de St Tropez and came back from the NE - a sea breeze, presumably. Good holding in the anchorage which rapidly depopulated as G & T time approached. |
24 |
1 | |||
May 19 to 21 |
Strong winds being forecast decided to try Port Grimaud. A fascinating pseudo Provençale village, but good pseudo. A sort of Port Meirion with yachts. Marina costs are not exorbitant but food in the local shops was horrendous. A poulet roti, Eur 6 in Sanary sur Mer (and Eur 4 at Jávea, Spain) was Eur 15 here. Better was at the nearby les Virines du Soleil at a rotisserie where the price dropped to Eur 7.5. There is a good boulangerie here and a vegetable stall. Come and enjoy a day ot two at Port Grimaud but stock up well first. |
3 |
2 |
20 |
40. 5 | |
May 21 to 22 |
Despite forecasts of moderation and the wind dropping off overnight, the day started with a brisk wind, marginal for leaving and very gusty to give a very confused sea. However, the wind obeyed instructions from Météo France and obligingly let us leave shortly after midday. |
12 |
2 |
26 |
52 | |
May 23 |
Left St Raphaël late morning to get the sea breeze to the Iles de Lérins just south of Cannes. Very pleasant anchorage north of Ile St-Honorat. Many boats there when we arrived but most left by evening. |
14 |
1 | |||
May 24 |
Hoped to be able to get into Antibes - just to see this famous watering hole. A slow sail, beat to a very light E wind, motored around Cap d'Antibes. No room at the inn. Anchored in Anse de la Garoupe, 2 M south of Antibes. Full of weekenders. |
7 |
1 | |||
May 25 |
After a very light wind yesterday, This was a nice fine reach to Anse de Villefranche in a wind that gradually increased to a good top F4. Anse de Villefranche was fairly full on arrival but rapidly thinned out towards evening. With a NE 5 forecast overnight we tucked into the anchorage in Anse de l'Espalmador as soon as the day boats departed. Further out we had been swinging violently. |
13 |
1 | |||
May 26 to 27 |
At about 0415, after the wind had increased markedly, we set an anchor watch just in time as we began to drag at 0430. Got up the hook after much effort. Looked at all the possible areas, none seemed very satisfactory. As dawn was breaking we went into Villefranche and tied up to a grockle boat (a welcome sight for once). A disabled motor boat and its rescuer were using the fuel berth. |
2 |
26. 2 |
56. 4 | ||
May 28 to 30 |
While re-fuelling at Villefranche, we were hailed by Réné and Dani Legal, two deaf French sailors we had met in Valencia - last September. They were just leaving in their Dehler 35, Keranna. |
13 |
2 |
19. 5 |
39 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
May 30 |
Little wind. Motored to Marina degli Aregai (NB longitude is 7 deg 55,2'E and not 7 deg 58' as in Pilot). My halting Italian seemed to work on the VHF. Helpful, multilingual lady in Capitaineria. Curious electric plugs. Huge, and an intelligence test to connect to your own wire. |
19 |
1 |
17. 6 |
17. 6 | |
May 31 |
A very slow sail (3 miles in 3 hours) then the sea breeze set in very late. Thought about anchoring south of Diano Marina or north of Andora but the wind was good and we went on to Alassio. Again, halting Italian was answered promptly. Helpful on entering and in the office, little English but with a modicum of French and a little Italian all was well. Just to check your navigation, they have painted the name on the rock face around the marina. |
16 |
1 |
13. 9 |
13. 9 | |
June 1 |
Walked into the town. Pleasant and well kept. |
7 |
3 |
19 |
57 | |
June 4 |
Another slow sail, with a brief sea breeze late afternoon, to the anchorage off Varezze. Not the most picturesque especially as they are doing work - probably to enlarge he marina. For the record, there is now an apparently large supermarket about 5 minutes walk from the marina. Did not go ashore. |
17 |
1 | |||
June 5 |
Part motor part sail past Genoa to the anchorage off Santa Margherita. When the sea breeze came it did all the right things - set in onshore then veered to SSW. Past Genoa, the wind dropped then came back from the east. Probably, the Genoa heating pulling in air from both directions and the wind being forced along the coast by the hills between Genoa and the Santa Margherita peninsula. |
30 |
1 | |||
June 6 and 7 |
Jennifer and Margaret went ashore in Santa Margherita for shopping. Good market and other small shops. No supermarket found. |
8 |
2 | |||
June 8 |
Left Sestri Levante with some regret, had to motor partly because of no wind but also because the domestic batteries were flat. A little wind got up and we spinnakered slowly. When we reached the passage N of Isla Palmaria the wind increased as the sea breeze sucked us into the Golfo di Spezia, a big naval area with many prohibited areas. |
25 |
1 | |||
June 9 to 12 |
Some motoring then a gentle spinnaker run to Viareggio. A call on Ch 12 was answered promptly with some English. The English was quite good when we were shown and helped to a berth. All very welcoming and friendly. After Santa Margherita, our faith in Italian marinas has been restored. |
20 |
4 |
16 |
64 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
June 13 |
First thoughts were Livorno but the harbour, we know, is uncomfortable and not cheap. We carried on and finally anchored off Castiglioncello. A nice enough spot (if you do not look south at terrible buildings and an oil terminal). The water was surprisingly cold for swimming, several degrees colder than at Sestri Levante. |
30 |
1 | |||
June 14 |
A better day sail than some of late. Intentions were to go to Capraia but the NW predicted did not materialise. So Elba became the target. The wind initially fairly fine on the bow gradually veered with the sea breeze effect to a spinnaker reach. The anchorage at Cavo on the East coast seemed a sensible option. The anchor took some persuading to hold due to a layer of weed. Most of the moored vessels disappeared (as usual) by early evening. |
33 |
1 | |||
June 15 |
Swimming and lazing then a gentle run under Genoa to the Porto Azzurro bay. Tried to anchor off Barbarossa beach but all the reasonable overnight anchoring area is buoyed for swimmers. Anchored between Pte delle Cannelle and Capo Bianco. OK for settled weather. |
9 |
1 | |||
June 16 |
Motored round to Porto Azzurro marina for provisioning etc. Much more expensive than we paid two years ago. On reflection we realised that there are two sets of pontoons with very different prices. A very pleasant town with a very good Co-op supermarket and some reasonable eateries is the side streets. |
2 |
1 |
44 |
44 | |
June 17 |
Motor round to Golfo Stella with a lunch time stop E of Pta Calamita Golfo Stella was delightfully quiet and unspoilt. |
13 |
1 | |||
June 18 |
A short sail to Golfo di Campo. The small harbour and town look very attractive. There were many boats in the anchorage - presumably for good shopping plus being the nearest bay to Corsica. |
7 |
1 | |||
June 19 - 20 |
The forecasts (DWD, US GRIB, Météo France and Italian Navtex) all, more or less, agreed on the wind direction but differed on forces from 3 to 5. Campoloro, Corsica, was the obvious choice. |
40 |
2 |
26 |
52 | |
June 21 |
Looked like being a beat to Solenzara with not enough wind. However, after dying, the wind, surprisingly, came back to give a good spinnaker reach/run until 5 M out. |
30 |
3 |
19 |
57 | |
June 21 - 24 |
At Solenzara for the usual shopping, washing, swimming off the beach. It is a very pleasant little village with reasonably good food shopping and good chandlers. |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
June 24 |
Had hoped to be able to get to Golfe de Santa Manza but there was not enough wind - it would have meant motoring or a long slow sail with a sloppy sea. Decided to anchor in Baie de Stagnole in Golfe de Porto Vecchio. A good anchorage cooled by a pleasant but very local sea breeze. Noisy for a short period late afternoon with water skiing and fast motor boats. Otherwise, pleasant and quiet |
19 |
1 | |||
June 25 |
Not enough wind to sail so motored to Golfe de Santa Manza. Undeveloped certainly (sauvage, according to la Pilote Cotière) but there were a fair number of camper vans ashore so that it was not especially quiet. Intended staying the night but the midday CROSS forecast decreased winds for today through the Bouches de Bonifacio to 4/5 and increased tomorrow to 6/7. Hard to believe after the morning forecast but. . . . . |
35 |
2 |
22 |
44 | |
June 26 |
With strong winds still forecast stayed at La Gavetta. The wind was quite strong, it could well have been F7 in the Bouches. Disappointing food shopping and an equally disappointing meal out in the evening. We put it down to being an island since shopping around Sardinia is normally OK. | |||||
June 27 |
A short motor across to Golfo delle Saline, a large bay with plenty of good anchoring room. Unspoilt despite campsites and holiday chalets. Also a very active sailing school. Good swimming. A good place to laze around - which we did. |
5 |
2 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
June 29 |
A vigorous beat in a NW 3-4, touching 5 between the Maddalenas and the mainland to Liscia - a large bay. Anchoring was more difficult here than at Saline, The bottom shelves steeply, with only a few boats already there it was necessary to anchor in about 12 m. To find the 3-5 m quoted in the pilot would mean being too near the shore for peace of mind overnight. But the bay is pleasant and again unspoiled. |
13 |
1 | |||
June 30 |
A gentle sail to Porto Palma for lunch and then to Cannigione to re-provision, meet Curt (Margaret's husband) and to be in harbour for an expected F7. In Porto Palma we were asked to pay for being in the Maddalena national park. Said we were just going and escaped. |
16 |
1 |
36 |
36 | |
July 1 and 2 |
At Cannigione. Curt duly arrived on the second. Provisioning and laundry was done. Good restaurant in the town and an excellent ice cream parlour. |
2 |
48 |
96 | ||
July 3 |
A brief but vigorous sail under Genoa only in a F 4 to 5 back to Golfo delle Saline for a day and night at anchor. The wind is forecast to be up to F7 in the Bonifacio Strait so will stay here with good shelter and a safe anchorage. |
6 |
1 | |||
July 4 |
An even more vigorous sail in a F 6-7 under half Genoa along S of Isola Caprera then back to Golfo di Arzechena Tried anchoring at the head of the Golfo, beyond Cannigione but it was very gusty and close to a lee shore. The Fortress had not held but the CQR did. |
12 |
1 | |||
July 5 |
Still windy, with 3 reefs in the main and a scrap of Genoa we returned to Gavetta (Cala Maddalena) on the promise of lighter winds tomorrow to spend Sunday in the Maddalena National Park. Plenty of space in the harbour but considerably more expensive than a week ago. |
10 |
1 |
35 |
35 | |
July 6 |
The wind having dropped we sailed to an anchorage in the Maddalena National Park - Deadman's Passage off Isola Budelli. Glorious mooring/anchorage. Good swimming, very popular. Very good moorings. Although in the Park, we were not approached to pay. |
7 |
1 | |||
July 7 |
A gentle sail around to Cala Portese, a most delightful and completely unspoilt bay. Good swimming, more substantial buoys for mooring. |
17 |
1 |
48 |
48 | |
July 8 |
Curt departed, we provisioned and left for Golfo di Saline which seems to have become our favourite anchorage. A good sail in a W, top of F4. In the anchorage, finally solved the problem with the second reef (single line). One of the in-boom blocks was disintegrating. Put a temporary replacement on and intend to get a suitable replacement ASAP. |
6 |
1 | |||
July 9 |
A good brisk beat in a F4 touching 5 to Porto Pozzo, another quiet bay, deep with gently sloping hills. Another opportunity to sunbathe, laze and swim. Reasonable shopping ashore, a sleepy little holiday resort. |
15 |
1 | |||
July 10 |
We really cannot think about leaving the Maddalenas just yet. A short and gently sail got us back to the mooring off Isla Budelli - Deadman's Passage. Despite many other boats, just delightfully clear water, good swimming. Again did not have to pay. |
7 |
1 | |||
July 11 |
Decided to have a look at Santa Teresa di Gallura (Longosardo). A pleasant "one reef for comfort" beat got us there by lunch time. No problems on entry. After a call on Ch 9 were met by two inflatable dinghies and helped to a berth. A quiet marina but opposite the ferry port. |
14 |
1 |
43 |
43 | |
July 12 |
Yet another short sail back to Porto Pozzo for two nights at anchor soaking up the sun and sea. Two small alimentations/supermarkets ashore and a good coffee house. |
9 |
1 | |||
July 13 |
Stayed at Porto Pozzo. Decided this was RIB alley for the area. More small motor boats than anywhere else but they all go out early and return in the evening. None of the dreaded jet ski, one water skier who only practised in the evening and early morning. |
1 | ||||
July 14 |
A slightly longer sail to Porto Palma. This time we got charged in the Maddalena National Park area. Eur 2 per metre per calendar day! Strictly, Eur 40 for an overnight stay. Like most we paid one day and went before the officials came back the following day. |
12 |
1 | |||
July 15 |
With SE winds forecast, we had a good excuse to stay in the area for another few nights. Needing provisions and a replacement block for the single line reefing, Cannigione was the best option. |
6 |
1 |
48 |
48 | |
July 16 |
Depending on which forecast to believe we shall be leaving the Maddalena area for Olbia tomorrow, Friday or Saturday. Météo France began with a Grand Frais tomorrow and Friday. At noon they decreased this to a F 5-6. Went back to Golfo delle Saline for possibly our last night in the area. Glorious swimming and a very good anchorage. Started as a lee shore but, as predicted, the wind soon went round to W. |
4 |
1 | |||
July 17 |
Wind still brisk - a good excuse for another day at anchor in Golfo delle Saline. |
1 | ||||
July 18 - 19 |
A little less brisk but enough wind to use the Genoa alone. Sailed 21 miles to just outside the entry to Olbia in 4 hours. Called YC, said they were full. Went on the wall but again met Paul and Liz who were in the YC marina. There were spaces, we went in. A very friendly club but there seems to be some lack of communication between pontoon staff and the office. |
25 |
2 |
40 |
80 | |
July 20 - 21 |
To Cala Cavallo, a delightful anchorage. The trouble was that it was a Sunday. It was full of the world, his wife and his motor boat. Two of the latter rafted up to be joined by three more. A riotous party fuelled by Asti Spumante ensued and the whole anchorage was treated to pop music, noisy shouting and what passed for singing. Every country has them. |
13 |
2 | |||
July 22 |
The day started with a light NE wind. Forecast was for SE 4. It veered, got to F4 but then continued increasing to a 6/7 on the nose. OK until we got to la Caletta where they gave us an exposed downwind slot. Stern first would have been difficult, went in bows first. The wind was a little across the berth and we caught up on the anchor of the next boat and have one slightly damaged stanchion and deck fitting. |
21 |
1 |
34 |
34 | |
July 23 |
By contrast a no wind day. Stayed at la Caletta hoping for more wind tomorrow. Good supermarket in the town but little else to attract one. |
1 |
34 |
34 | ||
July 24 |
Confusing forecasts. Left more in hope than anger. Used spinnaker for about 2 hours but had to motor the rest. Noted a good anchorage just N of Capo Comino, just N of a small rocky outcrop. Good shelter from the SW-NW and good from the S to SE in moderate winds. |
40 |
2 |
35 |
70 | |
July 25 |
At Santa Maria Navarrese. A pleasant little village with all the necessities. The marina is a good one for transit yachts. Travelling apart, it could be good for long stay. Good hard standing, 40t hoist, good security, safe in the water and out. | |||||
July 26 and 27 |
At anchor off Isla Ogliastra and then off Arbatax. Good swimming. The Santa Maria regatta took place so we were able to watch two rather slow races. Many cormorants on the islands - perhaps they recognised Anhinga as a cousin. |
2 |
2 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
July 28 - 29 |
Into Arbatax. Very welcoming, plenty of space. Good facilities, good restaurant at the club. Nicer than expected. Shops close. Loos good. |
2 |
27 |
54 | ||
July 30 |
To Porto Corallo with a motoring wind initially then a gentle E'ly turning SSE with the sea breeze. Corallo is a very new and underused marina. Apart from very limited provisioning it is a good place to spend a quiet day or two at low cost. |
33 |
1 |
20 |
20 | |
July 31 |
Left Corallo with a nice NW 5, one reef for comfort. At about 1045 the wind went light, veered N then further to SE as the sea breeze came in. First a nice fine reach , then a beat to Cala Pira for a late lunch. A very pleasant bay with very clear water. Considered staying the night but used the Internet to get the French INMARSAT-C text. NW increasing 5-6 overnight, veering N 6-7 tomorrow. |
25 |
3 |
38. 5 |
115 | |
Aug 1 - 2 |
Stayed at Villasimius. Good shopping at the local campsite supermarket. Good swimming by the marina. Could have gone and anchored but Italian Met (just about the poorest service of any yet encountered) still had a F7 although Météo France had F 4-6 decreasing F 2 - 4. We just worry that some day the Italian Met will get it right. | |||||
Aug 3 |
Moved to anchorage outside marina. Very pleasant. Good holding and good swimming. | |||||
Aug 4 |
Mid afternoon decided to look at Marina di Capitana. A rather odd marina. Helpful in the office with good English but the ormeggiatori were not much in evidence. We had to move our berth, they disappeared - most Italian ormeggiatori would have stayed and helped with lines. Reasonable restaurant/pizzeria. A good, small supermarket nearby. Very good showers and loos. Quiet during the day, a little noisy at night. |
13 |
1 |
34 |
34 | |
Aug 5 |
Wanting washing etc and to be near Cagliari, decided to try Marina Piccola-Poetto. Very helpful, met on entry after a somewhat inconclusive call on VHF. Loos and showers rather basic to poor. The area nearby rather run down. It is a fairly long and unpleasant walk to shops. It would have been better to have stayed at Capitana. |
7 |
3 |
40 |
120 | |
Aug 6 |
Time for oil change and to decalc the loo pipes. Using a holding tank, these do not get flushed through as much as normal. In changing the engine oil, we discovered a loose bolt in the engine mounts. Clearly, the reason for some vibration. Luckily there was a Volvo mechanic nearby. He said that he will come back tomorrow morning to fix. | |||||
Aug 7 |
Unluckily, the next day, after finishing work on a nearby boat, he left for lunch and did not return, leaving us in limbo for the rest of the day. However, with the help of the CA Honorary Local Rep, Enrico, the job got done by another engineer the same evening. (At a price!) | |||||
Aug 8 |
Motored round to Cagliari to Enrico's pontoon. Met Enrico. Organised storm jib repair. Inevitable shopping. We prefer Enrico's very solid pontoon to the nearby marina, despite no electricity. The latter has rather rickety pontoons that swing with a strong NW. |
6 |
4 |
20 |
80 | |
Aug 9, 10, 11 |
Stayed at Cagliari, a delightful town. Washing etc. Found DIY washing machines. Explored Cagliari. Took Enrico's advice and had very good meal at self service restaurant in Department store (Qaeto) in the Via Roma. | |||||
Aug 12 |
Finally left for Porto Malfatano. Two hours motoring as the wind got up. Then a fine reach along the coast. The wind veered and we went out to sea. Should probably have taken the unfavourable inshore tack. The continuing veer was taking us round our destination. When we tacked the veer pushed us back down the coast. Had to resort to an hour under engine to reach the anchorage. Bad news as the stern cabin gets very hot. |
37 |
2 | |||
Aug 13 |
Stayed in Porto Malfatano, really a great anchorage with a number of options depending on the wind. Sea temperatures of 29 deg C are not to be passed up lightly. | |||||
Aug 14 |
Decided to have a look at Porto di Sant' Antioco. Not very attractive sounding but seemed to have some quiet, good points (according to the Pilot). Motored to Capo Teulada. Started up the Golfo di Palmas. But the wind increased until it was a good F5 right on the nose. Ideas of anchoring off Sant' Antioco were looking rather optimistic. The place, as seen from seaward, was losing attraction rapidly. |
27 |
1 | |||
Aug 15, 16, 17 |
By contrast this was a day of little wind. We part motored, part sailed to Carloforte on Isola di San Pietro. No ormeggiatoro in sight so we just picked a place with a pin where there were no lines left by other boats. |
20 |
3 |
35 |
105 | |
Aug 18 |
Part motor part sail to Buggerru - hoping to get in this time. Saw another yacht anchored off, probably for a swim. Good idea, did the same. Swam over to ask if they knew about depth in the harbour. Lo and behold! Our old French friends René and Dani, who are both profoundly deaf, with Keranna, a Dehler 35. |
16 |
1 | |||
Aug 19 |
Took the dinghy into the harbour to check depths. The lady harbourmaster confirmed 1.3 m, very prone to silting. The village of Buggerru is quite delightful with everything necessary - two small supermarkets, several smaller mini markets, a produce market, restaurants, bars, Bancomat etc. Everything? Apart from tonic which is getting a serious matter. This area certainly seems to be a tonic (Schweppes) free zone. |
30 |
1 | |||
Aug 20 |
Motored across to Marina Torre Grande. Quite impressive, plenty of room, reply to my broken Italian on VHF. Good reception, good facilities. Only slight snag is that provisions are in the town 1½ M away. However, there is a good bus service (1.4 Eur return) Will go tomorrow AM. |
3 |
1 |
35 |
35 | |
Aug 21 |
The bus worked well. In Torre Grande, we found one very good bread shop with a few groceries and a small but quite well stocked supermarket. But no fresh meat. |
3 |
1 |

Date |
Log |
Miles |
Nights |
Eur |
Total Eur | |
Port |
Anchor or Buoy | |||||
Aug 22 |
A gentle sail to Cala Saline, just E of Capo Mannu (S side of the isthmus). Good anchorage, good swimming and reasonably quiet ashore. |
13 |
1 | |||
Aug 23 |
Little wind, motored out to Isolotto di Mal Ventre. No clue as to why the name, but a very popular day time anchorage. Back to Cala Saline for the evening. Found two small supermarkets and a basic but good greengrocers. Best was to find some Schweppes Tonic (albeit in small bottles)! It was a noisy night with a nearby disco. |
10 |
1 | |||
Aug 24, 25,26 |
A slow sail to Bosa. The marina was empty - one yacht on the main pontoon and one anchored in the bay but another 5 came in. Had a swim off the beach. |
17 |
3 |
30 |
90 | |
Aug 26 |
To Alghero. Météo France forecast W 3-4 becoming SW. The US GRIB agreed. Italian Met said NW 5 increasing locally. We left in the hope that Météo France would be correct. In fact the wind started NNE light ( remnants of the land breeze but died. We motored most of the way to Alghero finishing with about 5 miles sailing. Had we waited a while we might have sailed the whole way - but, might not. |
21 |
2 |
27 |
54 | |
Aug 29 to Sep 2 |
Went across the bay to Fertilia to see Anhinga's winter home and to touch base with the people there. Looks good. Very quiet. Friendly. Had an undisturbed night's sleep! After the rigours of Alghero, that was wonderful. |
2 |
4 |
25 |
100 | |
Sep 2, 3 and 4 |
After recovering from the party, doing some shopping, booking a hotel for after lift out, coffee on Dawn Bird (just an average quiet morning) we left for Porto Conte, a glorious bay a few miles away, for our last nights at anchor this year. |
9 |
3 | |||
Sep 5 |
Preparing for the Winter, decided that 2 days in Alghero would be useful for the nearby chandlers, mainly antifoul, and, also (possibly) to refuel. |
8 |
2 |
23 |
46 | |
Sep 7 |
Odd jobs on the boat and then back to Fertilia for laying up. Dawn Bird still moored here, claims to be storm bound. Suspect that he just likes the place. Met Walkaway again, he intends wintering here also. |
2 | ||||
Sep 8 - 16 |
Cleaning up boat. Stripping all gear, cleaning ropes, blocks, sails off and checked - small repair needed to Genoa, servicing engine, o/b etc etc |
Cruise Summary
Total Miles 1,176 Total hours motor 130
Nights |
Total |
In Marinas |
78 |
Anchor or Buoy |
48 |
Total cost (Eur) |
1,901 |
Average cost (Eur) - |
24.3 |
At Fertilia, 6 months ashore plus lift out and in, cost is Eur 1,000
General Comments
Abnormal Weather
It was a very hot Summer. However, there was usually a wind so that it was only occasionally unpleasantly hot. Nevertheless, our thoughts on any sightseeing were severely curtailed.
See a general summary of Western Med weather here.
- and Forecasting it
Navtex is widely used in the Mediterranean and is very useful. Unfortunately, the Italian Navtex service is very poor. Texts are over long, they contain too much irrelevant detail and are unnecessarily repetitive. They have all the appearance of being computer generated with little or no attempt at human interpretation of the output from weather prediction computer models. Similarly, for their VHF broadcasts which use the same text (precisely) as Navtex. We used the French Navtex from Toulon (W) whenever possible.
Various Internet pages could be used as back up in the case of no radio reception. When not receiving Toulon or out of their Navtex areas, I used the links on mywebsite to get texts of Navtex or INMARSAT-C broadcasts.
The DWD Radio Teleprinter broadcast was very useful. So also was the GRIB output from the US NWS. See sources of forecasts in the Western Med here.
There are many apocryphal stories about anchors dragging in the Mediterranean and, on several occasions, we did see boats dragging in winds of no more than F 6. There is much folk lore about anchor types and many, mainly non-UK sailors, decry the CQR. We have now anchored around parts of Spain, South France, Elba, Corsica, Sardinia and the Baleares. With care, the CQR held well on all but hard sand. True, we did try up to four or five times, occasionally. Over hard sand, the Fortress was marvellous. We did avoid rock or stone bottoms. My main conclusion was that, too often, not enough care is taken in checking that an anchor has set. On many occasions we saw the hook dropped either followed by inadequate chain or a great heap of chain was dropped right on top of the anchor. Sometimes the boat would reverse so fast that the anchor had no chance to settle..
and Mooring
Newcomers to the Med sometimes worry about going stern-to with an anchor over the bow. So far, everywhere in the Western Med, there have been mooring lines tailed to the pontoon or quay. Simply go in bow or stern first, as you prefer, pass lines ashore to the usual attendant, pick up the tail and attach to the stern or bow as appropriate. The only exceptions are the (very) occasional finger pontoons. Whenever possible call ahead on VHF. Try some Italian to ask for a berth. Or, even English. Even if you are not understood or do not understand the reply - if any, it will serve to warn them that a boat is approaching.
Did we like the area?
Yes is the simple answer. We have seen most of it before and liked it enough to come back.
The French coast is great, especially when not in the height of the season.
We liked the Gulf of Genoa when west of Genoa. to the east, our impressions of the Santa Margherita area were dominated by one bad experience. We saw different parts of Elba this time, especially the South Coast where there were several good anchorages. On Corsica we like Solenzara.
Sardinia is a great cruising area. There are plenty of anchorages although in some parts it is necessary to use marinas. The coastal scenery is magnificent. the people, Sard or Italian, are very welcoming and hospitable. We enjoyed the area two years previously and even more this time - despite the heat.
The above makes no attempt at being a work of literature. It is a purely factual account of what we did and some of the attractions/problems encountered. (An everyday story of sailing folk?) It may be of some interest to others wishing to sail in the area. Of course, what we like and dislike may be different from other people. Situations change and someone else may get different impressions. More detailed comments can be found in notes on ports and anchorages over the whole of the Mediterranean, submitted to the CA by members.