About this page

Links to weather charts from the UK and other national Met services. Brief exlanations for these are given by links to another page.

Related pages

On this page -

European Met Service charts

UK Met Office Charts - Isobars and fronts - North Atlantic/Europe.

Links are given here; the size of each chart is about 60 kb which is significant if using a cell or satellite phone connection.

Analysis ~60KB
Small version ~15KB

24-hour Forecast ~60KB
Small version ~15KB

36-hour Forecast ~ 60KB
Small version ~15KB

48-hour Forecast ~ 60KB
Small version ~15KB

60-hour Forecast ~60KB
Small version ~15KB

72-hour Forecast ~60KB
Small version ~15KB

96-hour Forecast ~60KB
Small version ~15KB

120-hour Forecast ~60KB
Small version ~15KB

Times of issue

  • Analysis charts are usually available by HH+0320
  • 24-hour forecasts by HH+0520
  • T+36 and T+48 forecasts by 0620/1820 UTC
  • T+60 and T+72 forecasts by 0720/1920 UTC
  • T+96 and T+120 forecast are only issued once a day, based on 1200UTC data, usually available after 2320UTC

Chart sequences

To see a sequence on one page of the latest UK charts to 5 days ahead, see either -


These charts are also available in colour from

Other links are from –


High Resolution Limited Area Model forecasts]] for two days ahead are available from theKNMI, the Dutch Weather Service.

HIRLAM countries and as below. Home pages are on the External Links page

Danish Meteorological Institute.
Estonian Meteorological Institute
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Icelandic Meteorological Office
Irish Meteorological Service
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute
he Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Spanish State Meteorological Agency
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute

Computer Charts - Unmodified

A note on these is on the Essential page. They are output direct from Numericl Weather Prediction models. They can be quite difficult to interpret and should be used with care. As is the case with GRIB forecasts, there has been no vetting or quality control.


Charts from ECMWF for the next 10 days. There is the facility to look back and see what the model was producing on previous days and times.

To these can be added GRIB charts.

Oceanic Charts, some with plotted observations

For notes se theEssential page.

NOAA OPC Atlantic charts

NOAA OPC Pacific charts

NOAA OPC Alaska/Arctic charts

For swell forecast charts for the Atlantic and UK, se the The National Centre for Ocean Forecasting (NCOF) site.

Other Sources of Links to Weather Charts

Essential Page

Home Page